THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS at Lyric Arts through June 23rd!

I had never heard of THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS before it was announced in the current Lyric Arts season so was excited to experience this absolutely comedic delight of a show! Immediately breaking the fourth wall we are greeted and given the reminder to turn off our phones in renaissance time appropriate language and told to settle in as we wait for the troupe of performers to arrive. A few moments later a rush of cast members ascended on the stage and got the set pieces and props all ready for the show. I am a big fan of any show-within-a-show and this was no exception. THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS is a fast-moving romp with clever writing, wonderfully over-the-top characters, and LOTS of fun to be had, through June 23.

Written by Carlo Goldoni & Translated and adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher and Paolo Emilio Landi, we follow the story of Truffaldino as he embarks on a scheme to double his wages in one day by secretly serving two masters, motivated by money and food, he ends up serving two lovers in disguise and has to work his way out of multiple hilarious “close calls”. It’s a simple plot complicated by enemies, disgruntled past lovers, a woman on a mission to locate a lost love, and many plates of food flying around the stage. Confused? Don’t be, the cast is there to help explain along the way in some hilarious continued breaks in the fourth wall.

As you may (or not) have gathered, when I attend shows that are new (to me) I like to go in with very little research and see what adventure awaits when I enter the theatre. I fully enjoy the surprise and like to go in with an incredibly open mind. Over the years my theatre going buddies had adapted a similar approach so we can go in together and have lots to chat about at intermission and after the show.

Directed by Scott Ford this wonderful ensemble including Corey Boe as Brighella, Alex Stokes as Silvio, Brendan Veerman as Truffaldino whom I first saw at Lyric Arts in 39 Steps and was treated to more if his fantastic physical comedy and clowning as he ran around the stage keeping up his scheme. I believe this was my first time seeing Nykeigh Larson in a production and loved them as Beatrice; disguised as her brother on a mission to reconnect with her lost love Florindo (Kyler Chase). Madison Fairbanks was hysterical as Smeraldina in a role that reminds me so much of Washing Well Wenches at the Ren Fest. The rest of the cast includes Katrina Stelk, Cate Jackson, Ray L. Kloth-Rodriqguez, Charlie Morgan, Andrew Newman, Brandon Osero, Nate Otto, and Michael Quadrozzi.

I laughed out loud too many times to count at the modern slang and pop culture references sprinkled through this renaissance piece. This cast was having a blast and what I feel is a show that allows for some new improvs every night keeping it fresh. We chuckled along this ridiculous and wonderful romp of a story, another wonderful reason to take a chance on a show you don’t know, you never know what hilarious gem of a production you will fine. Closing June 23, tickets and more information here.

Up next at Lyric Arts is the musical KINKY BOOTS running July 12- Aug 11 then explore their 24-25 Season and reserve your tickets today for all your favorite shows, or those you have never heard of, you never know when you will find your next new fav! 

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